Are There Any Fruits That Help Lose Weight?


Often, we find information about fruits that is confusing. For example, the myth of a diet that consists of eating only certain types of fruit. The diet is therefore limited.


As part of a balanced and healthy diet, fruits and vegetables are essential foods. Indeed, fruits are truly beneficial for the body because they provide essential vitamins and antioxidants, in addition to being natural and containing no calories or bad sugars. It is for this reason that it is said that they help to lose weight. While in reality fruits are essential food for good health.

When quality foods are part of our diet and healthy habits are maintained, the body almost automatically stays in shape. However, we often hear that some fruits are more helpful in weight loss than others. Is it true? If so, what are they? We say more about this later in this article.

Eat watermelon for weight loss.
Miracle diets

Nowadays, and especially thanks to the facilities offered by the use of the internet, there are many diets and products available that promise to lose weight in an almost miraculous way. ost of these plans are often misleading and finally as harmful to health. We must therefore be particularly careful.

For example, we often find confusing and unreal information about fruits. Like the existing myth of a weight loss diet that consists of consuming only certain types of fruit. The diet is therefore drastically limited. These diets present a serious problem that they can lead to significant nutritional imbalance. In addition, the deficiencies they can cause in our body are risky, if the diet is prolonged.

As the dietician and nutritionist Rocio Praxedes, from the Obesity Unit of the Quironsalud Hospital in Valencia, explains, “it is certain that fruits contain carbohydrates, a high fiber content, they are very rich in vitamins and minerals, and even contain some protein and some fat. But in any case, they are not enough to cover our energy needs ”.

Whatever your goal, including weight loss, before starting a diet, the best thing to do is talk to a doctor or other healthcare professional. More specifically, a nutritionist or dietitian can give you more specific advice on how to follow a healthy eating program and lose weight without taking any health risks.

A basket of fruit to lose weight.

Does Eating Fruit Help Lose Weight?

The nutritionist also explains that some fruits have more calories than others. For this reason, we could eat more of this type of fruit without raising our calorie intake too much. However, eliminating these fruits because they have more calories is a big mistake.

This is the case with bananas, which contain more calories than an apple. But what matters more is not the number of calories ingested with the fruit as the differences are minimal, but rather the variety and the benefits of all kinds of different fruits. In general, the fruit is healthy food. Those to be eliminated from the diet are those which are processed in industrial pastries or those which are fried.

Indeed, fruits provide a large number of vitamins, minerals, fibers, and other substances beneficial to the body. It is advisable to consume at least three fruits per day. We will now briefly develop the main characteristics of some types of fruit that are good to know.

Watermelon, one of the most interesting fruits for weight loss

It is a large fruit, which contains a large amount of water and fiber. Its calorie content is low. It helps curb appetite and increase the feeling of fullness. One cup of watermelon provides 12 mg of vitamin C, which is 20% of the daily intake.

Its consumption, therefore, helps to dilate blood vessels and reduce blood pressure. This is of great interest, especially in overweight or obese patients who are more likely to develop heart disease.

The lemon

This fruit is also very important because it provides protein, carbohydrates, and fiber, in addition to potassium, folic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin A.


It is important to clarify that the cellulose fiber of an apple is responsible for the elimination of toxins and metals in the body. This helps fight stress, cellular aging, and memory loss.

In addition, the apple provides vitamins, such as biotin, folic acid, beta-carotene, and vitamin C.  These components help maintain a healthy digestive system and allow cells to function properly.

Finally, a lifestyle based on healthy habits and a good diet promotes the prevention of cardiovascular pathologies in addition to helping to lose weight. It also improves blood pressure and helps lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

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