Foods that strengthen muscles and tendons

you suffer from lean tissue issues? If so, then you will certainly be interested in knowing which foods to strengthen muscles and tendons.

Whether or not you practice a sport, know that it is necessary to guarantee an optimal nutritional state in order to reduce pathologies. When we talk about diseases, we usually think of those with the worst prognosis, such as cancer or cardiovascular disease. However, although lesser, muscle tissue disorders also have a negative impact on a person's quality of life.

Foods that strengthen muscles and tendons

To improve lean tissue health, two nutrients are essential: protein and vitamin C. Protein intake is the key to preventing diseases such as sarcopenia. This is according to research published in the journal Nutrition Research .

On the other hand, vitamin C has proven to be an essential factor in ensuring the endogenous synthesis of collagen. This protein (predominant in the human body) is responsible for providing tissues with its elastic properties.

Muscles of a man's arm.

“To build muscle tissue, we need to incorporate nutrients that stimulate collagen production.”

The blue fish

Blue fish is characterized by a high content of protein with high biological value and healthy fats. These also strengthen tendons and muscles, according to a study published in the journal Mar Drugs . It is important to ensure a regular intake of omega 3 in order to prevent muscle diseases associated with age.

Note that blue fish is the one with a higher percentage of fat in their composition. Species like salmon or tuna are the main representatives of this food group. They should therefore appear at least twice a week as part of a varied diet program.

White meats

White meats are foods that also strengthen tendons and muscles. They are distinguished by their high quality protein content. These nutrients contain a significant percentage of leucine, an amino acid closely related with building lean mass. Regular intake of this amino acid therefore reduces the risk of long-term muscle atrophy. This is what recent studies indicate .

Indeed, in the event of muscle damage, a leucine supplement is generally offered in order to improve recovery and increase the speed of healing. Likewise, there are protein preparations that contain additional amounts of this amino acid. These artificial and commercial forms must be used under the supervision of a professional.

The strawberries

As we have clarified the importance of vitamin C to maximize collagen synthesis , strawberries are foods rich in this nutrient which therefore promote the strengthening of muscles and tendons.

These fruits are among those with a greater vitamin content in their composition. Far beyond citrus . Besides, mango and guava also provide a significant amount of this micronutrient. The other option to ensure sufficient intake of vitamin C is to resort to vegetables such as broccoli or spinach.


On the other hand,  its supply of high quality protein is essential when the goal is to strengthen muscles and tendons. Increasing the consumption of eggs helps build muscle mass and reduce the risk of injury .

3 eggs in a bowl.

“Eggs are foods that must be present to ensure sufficient protein intake.”

Foods that strengthen muscles and tendons: what to remember

As you can see, diet helps strengthen muscles and tendons. Indeed, certain foods fulfill this function when they are incorporated in a balanced and adequate manner. Protein and vitamin C are essential nutrients  if you want to maintain healthy lean tissue and decrease the risk of injury.

In addition, it is a good idea to restrict the consumption of certain foods that can cause the opposite effect. This is the case with trans fats, simple sugars and certain additives. This is why  it is always advisable to favor the intake of fresh foods over processed foods  of lower nutritional quality.

Finally, do not hesitate to consult a professional if you have the slightest doubt. He will be able to develop a feeding program adapted to your individual needs. This will reduce the risks.

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